Friday, July 8, 2011

Bad blogger bad blogger, or Fashion Friday

Sorry...I didn't realize it had been THAT long since I had been on here! A lot has been going on at the Bungalow, and the decision has been made that the bungalow is, for now, on hold. Because of personal and family reasons, I have decided to move back home. I hate that I have to leave my new home, awesome condo, and amazing boyfriend...but it really is the best thing to do for now! I wont go into all the factors that led me to this decision, but trust its the best one for now!

But no worries...the Barefoot Decorista will live on! Yes, I have thus and forevermore dubbed myself the Barefoot Decorista. I will continue to write on this blog as the Barefoot Decorista until I get a special bungalow all of my own. Until then, this blog will serve MOSTLY as an inspiration place, but I have a few projects up my sleeve:)

Like today, for instance. Today marks the first of Fashion Fridays. Each Friday I will post a trent or a piece I love, advice, tips for fashion for less, etc.

Today's post is about color blocking. I must admit, I was not for it at first. And by that I mean I hated it. I saw in my head those mod-style black and white sheath dresses...and I just was not for it. But some pictures I have seen of late have swayed me...and I think they will sway you too (but of course you are all much to fashionable to ever have a doubt about this beautiful trend)!!

Before I get ahead of myself, I should "define" color-blocking. To put it simply, color blocking is using two or more bands of color in an outfit. Doesn't have to be two bright colors (although it is really gorgeous if you get it right!) You can pair a bright with a neutral, a neutral with a neutral, and so on. Really simple. You are probably already doing it without realizing it. Seriously. Easy peasy.

So here is a runway version of the trend. Keep in mind runway is often over-the-top and not for average everyday wear. (Pictures from here and here .)

Here is a REALLY easy way to wear the look if you are afraid of wearing too  much color, found here.
Pairing the gorgeous turquoise skirt with a "neutral" like navy really keeps this trend wearable. Adding the nude shoe (a must for any wardrobe), the effortless brown belt and envelope clutch, and the bright but simple necklace keeps this outfit simple and elegant, while still maintaining that "color-block" feel without going over the top.

Here is another really simple way to do color blocking with a little more punch (found here and also here.)

Pairing the bright skirt with the cream shirt, brown belt, and tan cardigan keeps it grounded, while the addition of the orange pumps and chunky watch take it up just a notch!

For those of you TOTALLY afraid of color, you can try color blocking with a shoe, like this one from Steve Madden. Pair it with a black, brown, or even navy (my fave) to add just a bit of color blocking to your wardrobe.

And lastly, for the totally fashion ambitious out there, try pairing two bright colors together. You can pair two tones of the same color like this one from Ellie:

Or even two different bold colors together like this one. I couldn't resist throwing some gameday inspiration in here!

I hope you've enjoyed my foray into Friday fashion! Check back next Friday for whatever my current obsession is!

In the meantime, I will be doing some research on closet re-dos and closet desk spaces. Check back Monday for an inspiration post!

Get inspired!
The Barefoot Decorista (or Fashionista, today)

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